Who to see

This page summarises the services provided at the CDN, as a guide to who you might choose to see to best help your child.

If you are not sure who to see, please call 07 3369 3369 or email (preferred) cdn@cd.net.au to discuss your concerns and needs in greater detail, and our administrative staff will be able to assist.


Our medical specialist Paediatricians take referrals for children of all ages, and all types of developmental and behavioural problems.

Doctors can help you understand

Medical doctors can also advocate for your child, and provide support for you over time as your child grows up.

Psycho-educational Assessment

Neuropsychology is an area of psychological practice that specialises in the assessment of children. Examples include IQ, Academic Achievement, Executive Function and other more specialised tests of learning and cognition.

If you have concerns about your child’s development in the following areas, and would like a formal assessment, you may wish to make an appointment to see our neuropsychologist, Dr Lee Hearn.

Lee is able to assess a wide range of developmental difficulties in children and can help with development of an intervention and management plan tailored to your child’s special needs.

Emotional, behavioural and mental health problems

For children of all ages, if the main concern is in the area of

you might wish to consult with one of our psychologists or our mental health trained social worker.  This can assist you to explore the cause of the problem and generate solutions for your family and your child.

Often these sessions are supported by Medicare. This means that you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for your visits.

If you are referred by a medical specialist (such as a Paediatrician), you can obtain a Mental Health Care Plan to support your visits.

Alternatively, your GP can also complete a GP Mental Health Care Plan for you to be eligible for this rebate.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

A child and adolescent psychiatrist and therefore specialises in the assessment and treatment of mental health problems in infants, children and young people. Child and adolescent psychiatrists are engaged in promoting emotional wellbeing and the prevention, early intervention and treatment of all types of mental illness, emotional disturbance and abnormal behaviour across a continuum of patients with mild episodic disorders to those with chronic and enduring disorders.

Please note CDN is currently looking for a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist(s) to join our team and consult from CDN. Our clinicians have Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists they regularly refer to at other locations.

Mental Health Trained Social Worker

Jannie Olsen is a developmental and a mental health social worker, art psychotherapist and family therapist who works with children, adolescents, adults and families who are experiencing the impact of developmental challenges on everyday function.  This might include difficulties with emotional control, anxiety and challenging behaviours.

Jannie provides a non-judgmental and safe therapeutic space where you, your child and/or the whole family can be heard and can work to address the things that are difficult in everyday life.

Jannie is also a wonderful support for families whilst on the waiting list for other clinicians and (with consent) can provide insight about your child's strengths and challenges directly to their treating team, thus supporting both the therapeutic and diagnostic processes for children and families.

Reading and Literacy Problems

At the CDN we are fortunate to have a specialist in Reading Disability, Dr Jason McGowan . If your main concern is literacy (reading, spelling), we recommend you organise an initial consultation with Jason.

Jason's LiteracyCare program is unique. Jason can assess the extent and cause of any reading problems, and provide advice regarding what he, and other members of our group, are able to offer.

The unique aspect of this program is that Jason can usually predict treatment outcomes. This means that before you commence, you have an understanding of what you are likely to achieve.

Jason's website is www.literacycare.com.au

You do not need a referral to see Jason, and can book an appointment directly to meet with him.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology uses software and hardware solutions to help your child manage the demands of education and school more successfully.

Our Assistive Technology specialist is Julie Tasker. You do not need a referral to see Julie, and can book an appointment directly to meet with her.