Dr Catherine Skellern

BHB Bachelor of Human Biology, University of Auckland
MBChB Medical Degree, University of Auckland
MPH Master of Public Health, University of Queensland
MForensMed Master of Forensic Medicine, Monash University
FRACP Specialist Paediatric Qualification, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
FCFM(RCPA) Specialist Paediatric Forensic Medicine Qualification, Royal College of Pathology Australasia

 Dr Catherine Skellern has extensive experience working in the field of child development and behaviour.

She maintains an academic interest in the field and has published papers in peer-reviewed medical literature related to Autism Spectrum Disorders, child protection, forensic medicine and intellectual disability.

Dr Skellern has had long-standing involvement in teaching paediatricians and paediatricians-in-training in these specialised areas of paediatric practice and regularly presents at local, national and international conferences. She also works for Children's Health Queensland and is a national leader in the specialised field of paediatric forensic medicine.

At CDN, Dr Skellern undertakes direct assessments of children's development and has particular expertise in assessing children where there is a suspicion of an Autism Spectrum Disorder, incorporating evidence-based standardised assessment tools. She produces detailed assessment reports which provide an individualised profile of a child's strengths, weaknesses, relevant diagnoses, management recommendations and goals.

Please note that Dr Catherine Skellern is not currently taking on new patients.