Consultation with Dr Aarany Sivakaanthan

If this is your first visit

1) Please download and print the Initial Consultation Information Form.

This provides some information about the initial visits

2) Please download and print the relevant Questionnaires for your child

Please download Parent and Teacher questionnaires relevant for your child's school stage.

If your child has not yet commenced school then please fill in just the parent questionnaire for Preschool age.

Please send in the completed forms as soon as possible via email or bring them to your first consultation.

Our email address is Ensure you clearly indicate your child's name and which Doctor they are seeing in the email.

Parent Teacher
Preschool Download > Download >
Primary Download > Download >
High School Download > Download >

3) CDN Policies

Please click here and read through our CDN policies on cancellations, fees and privacy.

4) Children in the care of Department of Community Services - Child Services

If the child is in departmental care please click here for more information about what we also need.

If this is a review visit

If we have not seen your child for some time could you please print out the relevant School Questionnaires above, and ask your child's teacher to compete this?

Also could you please download and complete this brief Parent Follow-Up Questionnaire, and bring it along at the time of your consultation.

Thank You.